Organization Directory
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Alexandria Central High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/17/25 - Jefferson County: How many students met or exceeded expectations in the English Language Arts test in 2022-23 school year?
Beaver River Senior High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/26/24 - Fewer students graduated from Lewis County schools in 2022-23 school year
Carthage Senior High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/01/25 - Did Jefferson County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
Clifton Fine Junior Senior High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
Colton Pierrepont Central School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
Copenhagen Central School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - Did Lewis County students succeed or flounder in their 2022-23 school year English Language Arts tests?
Edwards Knox Junior Senior High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
General Brown High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/17/25 - Jefferson County: How many students met or exceeded expectations in the English Language Arts test in 2022-23 school year?
Gouverneur High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
H.c. Williams Senior High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
Hammond Central School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
Harrisville Junior Senior High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/23/25 - Did Lewis County students succeed or flounder in their 2022-23 school year English Language Arts tests?
Heuvelton Central School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
Indian River High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/01/25 - Did Jefferson County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?
La Fargeville Central School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 01/17/25 - Jefferson County: How many students met or exceeded expectations in the English Language Arts test in 2022-23 school year?
Lisbon Central School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/29/24 - Did St. Lawrence County’s graduation rate rise or fall in 2022-23 school year?